Christmas Cleaning Tips

Winter is here and Christmas is just around the corner, which means it’s the season of snuggling up indoors to keep cosy and warm.

And home has become even more important to us this year than ever before, with the pandemic making our houses our workplaces, our home schools, our gyms, our restaurants, and much more. So here are some tips to help get your house looking ship-shape for the festive season.


1. Make a list

It’s not just Santa who’s making a list and checking it twice. It’s time to get organised with your cleaning! From the big old deep cleaning jobs to the dusty little corners, make a room-by-room checklist so you can plan properly—and feel a sense of achievement every time you cross something off.


2.  Clean your radiators

It was recently revealed that the 3rd October is the most popular date for us Brits to crack up the heating, so you’re probably getting your house pretty toasty now December’s here. But did you know that dust on the radiator can reduce heating power by up to 30%? Time to get dusting!

3. Don’t forget the windows

They’re easy to overlook in the darker months, but smears and marks can shine bright when the winter sunlight streams through. Give your windows a good clean using a wet cloth and some glass cleaner, and buff with a dry towel so you don’t leave any streaks.

4.Get the dust out of your carpets

If they’re not cleaned regularly, carpets can harbour dust, dirt, bacteria and pet hair, so give yours a deep clean before Christmas. You want to feel your carpet warm, soft and clean beneath your feet in winter!


For carpet cleaning services in Whitney, get in touch with us today.

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